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Tabby's favorite scampi recipe — with rice and peas

Jun 29, 2023

Today is graduation day for Santa Ynez Valley Union High School 2023 and I’m wearing my proud grandma hat.

It seems as if it was only a few years back that I watched my girls Tina Anderson and Wendy Pearigen (both Harrisons at that time) receive their diplomas, and this evening I’ll be watching my granddaughter Tabitha (Tabby) Pearigen follow in their footsteps.

A swimmer from day one, water has been her element and she has done more than make waves at her school and meets locally and far afield. Focused and goal-oriented, Tabby has made her whole family proud. While still in Solvang School, she announced that she intended to break a number of SYVUHS swim records — and now has an incredible winning career.

From butterfly to backstroke she broke records, some standing for decades. I lost count at 10 and I’m not sure if that includes her "most goals in a season water polo" title.

In addition, she spent three summers in Junior Life Guard training, has qualified three times for CIF meets and swam twice in the Nationals, going to Florida in 2022 and Utah this year.

In fact, sitting at last week's aquatics awards banquet, it was apparent that the whole team has had extraordinary wins and achievements throughout their high school aquatics career.

Hats off to their dedicated coaches and volunteers who have helped make it all possible.

Today, with her classmates, Tabby will take her final steps into adulthood and life journeys.

This amazing generation has definite and noteworthy goals. I was amazed at the diversity of career paths of the students who were recognized at the recent scholarship awards program. For a small student population, our local high school stands tall in academics as well as sports triumphs.

Tabby, along with fellow swim team member Zackery (Zack) Bennet, have chosen a challenging next step. Both joined the United States Coast Guard with the goal of being helicopter rescue swimmers, opting to direct their swimming skills into lifesaving careers.

Tabby and Zack were each recognized for their decisions and presented with the Santa Ynez Valley Community Outreach and Cloverland Foundation's first-ever $2,000 per year scholarships.

Through this award, these two groups have recognized students choosing the military over college.

When accepting her award, Tabby pointed out that there are only six female rescue swimmers in the Coast Guard, then quipped, "I plan to be the seventh".

With this said, all I can do is send her off with one of her favorite recipes, scampi.

While I’ve shared it before, it's in her honor today.


1 tablespoon olive oil

2 to 3 cloves garlic, minced

1/3 cup butter

1-1/2 to 2 pounds easy peel shrimp

salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

juice of one lemon or to taste

1/4 cup fresh dill, chopped

Heat olive oil in large skillet over medium-high heat. Add garlic to pan, cook until fragrant about one minute, being careful not to burn. Add butter, stir until melted. Add shrimp and cook about two minutes. Stir and cook another two minutes or until just turning pink, careful not to overdo it. Reduce heat, taste and adjust seasoning with salt and pepper. Stir in lemon juice, add dill and toss gently to coat.

Serve with the following rice mixed with peas, perfect!


1 cup rice

2 cups water, coconut milk or chicken broth

1 cup frozen peas

Rinse rice and place in pot with tight fitting lid along with water or chicken broth. Bring mixture to a full boil, cover and turn heat to lowest setting. Cook 20 minutes without lifting lid.

Check to see if done. If not, replace lid and cook another five minutes or until done. Remove from heat, stir in peas, cover and wait five minutes. When ready to serve, fluff with fork.

NOTE: if using rice cooker, follow manufacturer's directions and add peas after rice is cooked.

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Longtime Valley resident Elaine Revelle can be reached at [email protected].